Very easy steps to create a PNR Step 1. Check availability Step 2. Seat sell Step 3. Input Names Step 4. Input Agency Profile Step 5. Input Phone No Step 6. Input Ticketing Time Limit Step 7. Input Received from(Save) Step 8. End & Retrieve Step 9. Refresh Step 10. Pricing Step 11. Pricing Save

How to display an ancillary service (TSM) (Cryptic and Graphic) -Amadeus



After you have priced an ancillary service with a confirmed pricing entry, you can display the ancillary services' TSM (Transitional Stored Miscellaneous Charge Order).

To do this, try the following entries:

TQMDisplay the TSM, when only one TSM exists. If there is more than one or deleted TSMs, the system displays a list.
TQM/M1Display a specific TSM by TSM number
TQM/L6Display a TSM by chargeable SSR element line number
TQM/P2Display all TSMs for a specific passenger
TMHDisplay the TSM history when only one exists.  In case of multiple deleted TSMs, displays the list.
TMH/M2Display the TSM history by TSM number.


Enter HE TQM for more information.


Understanding the TSM display (Graphic)


In the Stored Fares (TST & TSM) section of the booking file, select TSM

 The TSM opens.

Table: Description of panels and fields in the TSM display

Callout numberSectionDescription
1Actions menu bar

From this menu bar, you modify coupons, view or modify taxes, set a TSM to be manually reissued, and create an FO line.

2Reason for issuance panel

This panel shows the following information:

  • EMD type

  • Reason for waiving, if required.

  • International indicator
    The possible values are: 
    I = international
    = domestic 

  • TSM matches service
    If any segments in the booking file have been canceled or modified, this option button is set to No.

  • Remarks
    Add any remarks in this field.

3Coupons panel

From this panel, you can view the origin and destination and select the details for refunds and exchanges.

Other fields include:

  • NVB: Not valid before

  • NVA: Not valid after 

4Issuing status panel

From the Issuing status drop-down field, you can select the following options:

  • F= First issue
  • I= IT ticketing
  • R= Reissue
  • U= BT ticketing
  • W= BT reissue
  • Y=IT reissue.
5Fare information panelThis panel shows the base fare and total fare of the TSM. 
6Additional information panelThis panel contains extra information on the TSM. You can update the following fields.
For more information, see: 
How to add or remove commission (Graphic)
Working with Endorsement (FE) element
7Form of payment summary panelIn this panel, you can add or update the form of payment.
For more information, see How to add form of payment (Graphic) 

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