Tuesday, September 24, 2024

All 14 Countries Of Oceania


How Many Countries Are There In Oceania?

Monday, September 23, 2024

Explore European countries: A Guide to Capitals, Currencies, Airports, and Airlines

Get instant access to vital travel facts: country capitals, currency codes, airport codes, and airline information

Explore African countries: A Guide to Capitals, Currencies, Airports, and Airlines

Get instant access to vital travel facts: country capitals, currency codes, airport codes, and airline information

Saturday, September 21, 2024

Explore Australasia and Oceania countries: A Guide to Capitals, Currencies, Airports, and Airlines

Get instant access to vital travel facts: country capitals, currency codes, airport codes, and airline information

Explore South America countries: A Guide to Capitals, Currencies, Airports, and Airlines

Get instant access to vital travel facts: country capitals, currency codes, airport codes, and airline information.

Explore North America countries: A Guide to Capitals, Currencies, Airports, and Airlines

Get instant access to vital travel facts: country capitals, currency codes, airport codes, and airline information

Explore Middle East countries: A Guide to Capitals, Currencies, Airports, and Airlines

Get instant access to vital travel facts: country capitals, currency codes, airport codes, and airline information

Classes in Airline

 Classes in Airline

Explore Asia countries: A Guide to Capitals, Currencies, Airports, and Airlines

Get instant access to vital travel facts: country capitals, currency codes, airport codes, and airline information

GDS Entries for updating the GST details in the PNR

GDS Entries for updating the GST details in the PNR

Kindly ensure that you update the GST details in the PNR in the correct format. Below are examples of how the GST no., address, phone no. and email address needs to be entered in Galileo, Sabre and Amadeus.

Friday, September 20, 2024




In this post we will explain how to make ZERO cost MANUAL reissues; they can be either voluntary (the fare allows the change without penalty and we do not have a difference in fare when making the change) or involuntary (due to a change of schedule, flight cancellation, etc.). The only way to make this reissue is MANUALLY (we will NOT use the ATC) 

Thursday, September 19, 2024



 Many airlines have standard instructions for issuing their group tickets. They usually have them posted on their respective websites. In this post we will include the issuance data of the different airlines that have general issuance data for issuing group reservations:



Today we are going to see how to introduce names in Amadeus groups by inserting them in EXCEL format. We will no longer have to do NM1 SOLER / JAVIER, ... This entry will be very useful to you:


Amadeus Learning: How to Request Fight Availability


Learn how to efficiently check flight availability in Amadeus!

Amadeus Fare Families

Fare Families are a group of fares used by airlines to market a series of fares with conditions or services (change option, checked baggage, reserved seat, miles, etc.). These Fare Families make it easier for us to sell fares according to the needs of our clients. Let's look at an example, you will see that these concepts will be very clear:

Wednesday, September 18, 2024



Passive segments are the way to retrieve a reservation generated in another system in Amadeus and thus be able to work with it. These passive segments can be used for both individual reservations and group reservations. It is VERY IMPORTANT that we transcribe the names provided to the airline exactly as the airline has entered them in its system. If we do not do so, the reservation will be automatically cancelled, skipping the flight segment in UC status and we will not be able to work on it. Here is an example:

Amadeus PNR HISTORY: Changes, Cancellations, and Modifications


      Whenever we make a reservation in Amadeus, when we create the PNR, we associate a history of information with it. Any change, cancellation, modification or deletion that we make to the PNR will be recorded in the history. This will reflect the changes made by the agent or the changes that are made automatically.



It is very important to have instant access to the sales we make daily in our agency. To do this, it is very useful to use this type of report and to know the information that we can obtain through the GDS. Below we will see a series of Amadeus transactions and briefly explain the information that we can obtain:


AMADEUS we can create reservations with the same flights for different passengers or even duplicate exactly the same reservations. To do this, we will learn how to use these posts to copy or clone a PNR instead of creating it from scratch. In this way, we will speed up our procedures and also avoid errors.

Discover Dandeli: 14 Awesome Things to Do in Karnataka's Adventure Hub

Discover the natural beauty of Dandeli Wildlife Sanctuary, nestled in the heart of the Western Ghats and bordered by the River Kali. This stunning destination is a paradise for nature lovers and adventure enthusiasts, offering trails, dense forests, and a diverse array of wildlife, including black panthers, monkeys, elephants, and over 300 bird species. Come and experience the magic of Dandeli in Uttara Kannada district.

Monday, September 16, 2024

Voiding Tickets in Amadeus: A Quick Guide



You can void a registered, non-confirmed e-ticket or EMD from the retrieved PNR, from the query report or by entering the 10-digit document number.

Example entries:



From the PNR by FA/FH element line number.


From the query report by query report sequence number.
TJQ/SOF/QTC-RFNDDisplay the refund for all agents. 


By 10-digit document number.

Example: Voiding an e-ticket.

The following PNR, which includes a registered, non-confirmed e-ticket, is retrieved.

To void the e-ticket from the PNR, enter:


You must enter the line number of the document you want to void in your entry. If there is more than one FA/FH line number in the PNR, you will receive the system response:


Note: The TRDC entry is also valid for the void of an electronic miscellaneous document (EMD).

System response:


More details:

  • If an e-ticket is reported as a confirmed sale, it cannot be voided.
  • Depending on the airline, it may also be possible to void a reissued ticket. For conditions, enter HEETTxx, where xx= airline code.

Enter HE TRDC for more information.

How to Void Reissued Ticket


Note: You can only void a reissued e-ticket, if allowed by the airline, and if the sales report period is not closed and the ticket has not been reported to BSP or ARC.
  1. Check if the airline allows the void of reissued e-tickets. Enter, for example:

  2. Enter MS, followed by the number related to your market. For example:

    System response

  3. Enter MD to move to the next page.
  4. If the VOID EXCHANGE/REISSUE is set to N, you won't be able to void the reissued ticket.
  5. If the VOID EXCHANGE/REISSUE is set to Y, use any of the following TRDC entries to void the reissued e-ticket.
    TRDC/1297Void from the query report by sequence number
    TRDC/L9Void from the PNR by FA/FH element line number
    TRDC/TK-1234567890Void by 10-digit document number

    Enter, for example:

    System response

    The FA line of the reissued e-ticket displays the e-ticket as EVBA (V= voided).

    The void of the reissued e-ticket reverts the status of the exchanged e-ticket back to O (open) or A (Airport control).

  6. Display the sales report with TJQ and check if the transactions are correctly reported. 

Amadeus ATC - Reissue & Revalidation


Amadeus Ticket Changer Masterclass: Reissue & Revalidation Explained

Sunday, September 8, 2024

Learn about Schengen Area and the Schengen Visa.

The Schengen Area is a group of European countries that have abolished passport control and other types of border checks at their mutual borders, allowing for easier and more seamless travel between them. As of September 2024, the Schengen Area includes 27 countries.

The Schengen Area offers a solution to the common hassles travelers face, such as endless queues for visa applications and renewals. Imagine bypassing these tedious processes and enjoying the freedom to travel across more countries, access greater business opportunities, and perhaps even discover the perfect country where you’d want to spend the rest of your life.

Let us explore the Schengen Area and discover the numerous benefits waiting for you.   

This article will provide an all-encompassing rundown of the Schengen Area and how to acquire a Schengen Visa.

What is the Schengen Area?

The “Schengen Acquis,” or the set of rules and regulations, regulates the internal border controls abolishment and strengthens the external border controls. The Acquis holds the Schengen Agreement, Convention and Accession Agreements, Treaties, Regulations, and Directives, the Decisions, Delegated Acts, Implementing Acts, and the case-law of the Court of Justice.  

Signed on June 14, 1985, the Schengen Agreement is a treaty that abolished national borders to participating countries. Now, the “Schengen Area” is the world’s largest visa-free zone. Europe’s most important borderless area, including 22 European Union member countries and four non-EU countries. All the member countries act as a single jurisdiction for visas globally.  

The Difference Between the European Union and the Schengen Area

The European Union started with only six countries. Treaties after treaties, the EU has now 27 member countries.   
AustriaDenmark Hungary  Malta Slovenia  
Belgium  Estonia  Ireland  NetherlandsSpain 
Bulgaria  Finland  Italy  Poland Sweden  
Croatia France  Latvia  Portugal  
Republic of Cyprus Germany  Lithuania  Romania   
Czech Republic Greece  LuxembourgSlovakia   


Like the Schengen Area, the EU hosts free trade across borders to enhance the member states’ global economic growth and monetary union. All member countries have the same currency: Euro (€). When part of the Schengen Area, you can also travel freely to Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway and Switzerland, which are not part of the EU.   

Therefore, the Schengen area is primarily comprised of 26 European states that have come together to abolish passport and border controls. Visitors to the EU effectively mean that the Schengen Area acts as a single country. Once you enter one Schengen country, you have entered them all.  

The 26 Schengen Nations 

Out of the 26 Schengen Area nations, three EU member countries have opted not to apply or fully apply the Schengen rules. These countries are Cyprus, Ireland, and the United Kingdom.

AustriaFrance   Latvia Norway   Sweden  
Belgium Germany  Liechtenstein Poland   Switzerland 
Czech Republic   Greece   Lithuania   Portugal    
Denmark   Hungary  Luxembourg  Slovakia    
Estonia   Iceland  Malta  Slovenia    
Finland   Italy Netherlands   Spain    


Schengen Area - list of Schengen Countries

What is the Schengen Visa? What are the benefits?

The Schengen Visa allows free movement within the Schengen Area, the European Union Schengen members, and European Free Trade Association Schengen members.  

There are three types of Schengen Visa: Uniform Schengen Visas (USV), Limited territorial validity visas (LTV), and National Visas. Under the USV, there are the A and C categories for Airport Transit Visa and Short-term visa.  

For LTV holders, you may travel only in the Schengen State that has issued your visa, as well as the certain Schengen States specifically mentioned in the application. The D category under the National Visa is for individuals who plan to study, work, or permanently reside in Schengen countries.  

When applying for the Schengen Visa, you may choose the following options:  

  1. Airport Transit  
  2. Transit  
  3. Tourism  
  4. Visiting Family or Friends  
  5. Business
  6. Official Visit
  7. Medical reasons
  8. Study Purposes
  9. Cultural, Sports and Film Crews
  10. Other

You will always need a valid passport to travel to any Schengen country. Moreover, if you reside in a non-EU country, you will be required to obtain a stamp on your passport, regardless of the country you enter.

The benefits of a Schengen visa can be as simple as travelling from Germany to Luxembourg without having to go through passport control each time you cross the border. Or it could me more complex advantages such as moving goods and trades across borders. Furthermore, the Schengen area has reduced the time it takes to move goods across Europe.

Basically, you will not need to knock on embassy or consulate doors each time you plan to leave the country. You may travel across Europe without needing to answer any questions.

The Schengen Visa saves you time. A lot of time. 

How do you acquire a Schengen Visa? 

First, knowing which type of Schengen Visa you need is crucial. Next, you have to find out where you need to apply. Depending on your destination country, Schengen regulates visa submission in your country of residence. You must file your Schengen visa application in their embassy, consulates, or a visa centre.   

You also have to find the most suitable time to apply. The earliest would be six months before you start your planned trip, and the latest would be 15 working days. Ideally, you must apply at least three weeks before your trip.   

There are also European immigration programmes that provide lifetime visa-free access to the Schengen area. The Malta Permanent Residence Programme (MPRP) is perfect for non-EU/EEA/Swiss nationals who want to live and settle in one of Europe’s most dynamic economies: Malta.   

Through the Malta Citizenship by Naturalisation for Exceptional Services by Direct Investment, you may acquire citizenship in the country and obtain a Maltese passport. Malta is a European Union and Schengen Area member country. With your permanent residency or citizenship, you can freely travel across the Schengen Area and other countries across the globe.

The Schengen area gives you a long list of opportunities. It makes you a citizen of the world who enjoys freedom of movement. With multiple entries into the Schengen countries, you can conduct further international business possibilities. Your family can also live, work and study in one of the European countries.

The Schengen Area continues to be a popular destination for tourists and those who want to relocate.